Compression-Only CPR is simple:
Call 911. Then pump the heart with 100+ rapid and firm compressions per minute in the center of the chest. Ppush hard and fast on the center of the chest until professional help or an AED arrives
(be sure you know the method from your work – for instance in some buildings you may have to Dial the Operator or “9” first - e.g. 9-911)

"Don't Stress... Compress!"™

If a trained rescuer cannot perform the rescue breaths included in full CPR, or a bystander is not trained in CPR, the rescuer should provide compression-only CPR for the adult victim who suddenly collapses, with 100+ rapid and firm compressions per minute in the center of the chest.

Whenever available, follow the directions of the EMS/911 dispatcher.
A rescuer should always relinquish care to any better prepared or trained rescuer, while remaining to assist and assure quality of care.

NOTE: All trained rescuers should provide chest compressions for victims of cardiac arrest.
In addition, if the trained rescuer is able to perform rescue breaths, compressions and breaths should be provided in a ratio of 30 compressions to 2 breaths, averaging 100+ compressions per minute.


AED Training
American CPR Training
AED Grant